Articles tagged "webdev"

Embedded vs. External Web Servers

4 min read

Firstly, Twitter’s 140 character limit is too short for sharing thoughts longer than one or two sentences. I regularly question my development practices and sharing my internal debates is a good way for me to analyze the arguments, but I tend to...

Farewell Disqus

1 min read

You might notice a fresh look down below in the comments. That’s because I am no longer using Disqus to host comments on. There’s probably been plenty written about the state of Disqus, and frankly I’m not all that pleased with Disqus as of...

New Year, New Blog, New Goals

4 min read

A new year has come; 2014 is gone and 2015 is here. Just like the old year has been retired, I’ve decided to retire my old website and bring an entirely new redesign live. Now I am not really into the whole “New Years Resolution” concept, but...

Using Sass in PHP Projects

4 min read

If you have been paying attention to developments in the web development community recently, you probably know what CSS preprocessors are. If not, I would encourage you to check them out and play around with them. I understand they aren’t for...